Seth Bokelman

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Merry Christmas from Hillary

Wow, Rudy's commercial was cringe-inducing, but Hillary's is just... well... it makes me want to puke.  She needs to do a follow up ad that shows her having to pay off the credit card bill for those gifts in January...


By comparison, Ron Paul's Christmas video seems genuine, and he wears the requisite red shirt:


Mike Huckabee's commercial also plays as genuine, to me, though the "floating cross" is a bit disturbing.  That said, I find it hard to believe that they actually came up with that ahead of time, it was probably a happy accident for them.


I think Huckabee and Paul have good Christmas ads, won't win them many new voters, but they don't turn people off.  Rudy's ad is just plain creepy and weird, and Hillary's reinforces her image as calculating and her humor always just seems so forced...