Seth Bokelman

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Sick Day

Are you ready for some football? Vikings vs. Packers tonight on Monday Night Football. This is always a good game, a heated rivalry between two good teams, played on the frozen tundra of Lambeau Field. Okay, so it's probably not frozen yet, but it could snow tonight... I went to the Gore rally at the airport last night. Hundreds of people showed up, many more than there was space for. Gore gave a quick speech, and departed for elsewhere. He was a little loopy, probably tired, since it was nearly 1:00 a.m, but I think he was actually better on the stump than most of the other times I've seen him speak. Maybe his handlers should pump him full of booze before public appearances... it seems to work for Bush...

And speaking of Bush, there was an obnoxious guy standing near me who kept heckling Gore when he was trying to speak. He was like the proverbial turd in the punchbowl. Why do such a thing? I'm sure that some jerk Gore supporter has done the same thing, but what do they hope to accomplish? Do they think they're going to change the mind of the people who stood in the rain outside the airport at midnight to see Gore? No, I'd say they've already decided who they're going to vote for, so don't be an asshole...

If I found myself at a Bush rally, I certainly wouldn't insult the man or scream when he's trying to speak. Even if you don't respect the candidate, have some consideration for your fellow citizens.

I'm taking a sick day today. I was tired from the rally last night, and had an upset stomach and a sore throat when I woke up this morning, so I took the day off to recuperate. I think I'll be ready to go back to work tomorrow...