Seth Bokelman

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Manic Monday

Dell has introduced a new Dimension model, the 8100 series.  They feature the new Pentium 4 Processor, and a snazzy black and silver case.  I don't want one, they use RDRAM, which is still too expensive for me.  I'll wait until Intel or VIA finish the chipsets that will use the cheaper, and in some cases faster, SDRAM and DDR SDRAM.  It'll probably take 6 months, but it's worth the wait...

I didn't want to get up this morning. I didn't want to go outside in the freezing cold.  I didn't want to go to work.  I didn't want to deal with users having computer problems that they caused.  I didn't want to work on the yearly equipment inventory.  But, I'm here, I'm doing it, but I don't have to like it....