Seth Bokelman

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Cedar Rapids

Made it through check-in in Cedar Rapids, which is apparently the only airport left in the state of Iowa without wireless networking. My suitcase was 9 pounds overweight, which I thought might cost me a small fee, so I asked how much it was. Since it's going internationally, United told me the fee would be $381. Ouch. So, I did some quick shuffling from my suitcase to my carry-on, and kicked out my heavy leather coat to ride back to UNI with the co-worker who brought us to the airport (still have a windbreaker and a poncho) and most of the food I was carrying with me, to get my bag back below 70 pounds. I weighed in at 64.5 pounds on my second try, so then I shuffled four of my 1 pound Twizzler packages back into my suitcase. I'm taking them as gifts, as apparently red licorice is a big hit in Russia, but in hindsight, i wish I'd picked something lighter to bring.