Seth Bokelman

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When JavaScript Attacks

Just when I was starting to enjoy life, Jeremy has to go and give away the ending. And just who is this mysterious Ibid person? Is it just me, or does the kid pictured below, which I snagged from Iowa State University's site, look like some kind of satanic gopher? Who approved this picture for the main site? What did they think this image conveyed?

What do you do when you hate the web site of the place where you work? I don't mean the University I work for, or even the College, I mean my office.

If you're viewing it in Internet Explorer 5, on a Macintosh, you're probably saying "What's his problem?". If you're using anything else, you'll see what I'm talking about. Using Netscape on a PC? Click on the Labs & Equipment link. The JavaScript will crash your browser quite nicely.

I'd like to take this opportunity to publicly distance myself from this website. I had nothing to do with the development of it, other than activating IIS on the server where it resides. I'd have been happy to churn out a FrontPage site in a couple of days. It might not have been as flashy, but it would have worked! Instead, a graphic design student from our college is doing our site. It looks cool, but try to navigate the site in Lynx, or Netscape 3.0, I dare you.