Don't you really just have to wonder at the set of circumstances which led to this story? I've never been to the South, and I'm really not sure I want to go... While doing my first day's reading in "The American President", I noticed that the author mentioned Harding as an "inept" President several times. I e-mailed my Professor, wondering why, and he pointed me at the Teapot Dome scandal. Ahh... I'm still not sure why Harding is blamed for this, I don't find much mention of him directly...
I'm applying for a new job. This is the position I applied for orignally at UNI, in June of 1999. I was one of the final two candidates last time around, but they took the "other guy". Now the "other guy" is leaving, and I'm applying for the job again.
Today, I'm browsing around Manila Newbies, after realizing that I really need to have this site indexed and searchable. I wanted to order a belt attachment for my HandSpring Visor, and can't remember what day I posted those links. Update: I've got the search feature implemented there on the left side of the screen, but unfortunately it only searches pages that have been modified, so unless I go through and modify something on each of my older pages, they'll never be indexed! Time to go looking for those typos...
At least I found the page I was looking for earlier...