/Via Midwatch:
Most tech jobs are the simply modern equivilant of construction: menial and only somewhat skilled. The theory of coding and welding are similar, they just use different tools.
Most 'Internet People' have been caught up in the hype, and believe they're white collar becuase they use a computer. Really they are nothing more than muscle in the revolution's factories.
The key to not hating your job is being the person that tells others what to do, not the person that blindly carries out those orders.
I agree with this, I often relate my job to that of an auto mechanic. I just fix 'em, I don't build 'em...
3com has introduced the Audrey. It's a counter-top device for e-mail, scheduling, and web surfing. Yes, the power of the Internet, now in your kitchen...
It looks like a PalmPilot on steroids, but I wouldn't want all the wires and hassle associated with running ethernet to my kitchen, nor would I want to dial up at 56K. Build an 802.11 wireless module into it, and we're in business...
Liz pointed me at this story over at CNN. This dog is bizarre, yes, those are real photos. Watch the video too, that dog's tongue cracks me up...
I spent part of the morning at the UNI Student Health Center. My girlfriend injured her knee last night, picking something up off of her floor. They gave her some crutches and a knee brace, and told her to come back in a week. They're guessing that it's some type of meniscal injury, at least that's what I've gathered third-hand, as I was sitting in the waiting room reading Bug Park.
While there, I noticed that they're offering flu shots later this week. I've never gotten a flu shot, and I'm a big wuss when it comes to someone jabbing a needle in me. The cost is negligible for staff, eight dollars. I rarely catch the flu though, so is it worth the pain and mental anguish of a shot? I also get a lot of quality TV watched while I'm home from work sick...
Update: Holly ICQ'ed me this:
I can't believe you put on your weblog how I did it. At least you could have made it a little less pathetic, like I was chasing a puppy killer and was injured when I tackled him. And I did it Sunday morning, not last night. So there.
I stand corrected.