The Iceman Cometh

I'm leaving work an hour early, I've got to trek the mile home across the frozen tundra, on foot.  It's -2°F outside, and the snow is really blowing. Windchill is around -30°F still, and I'm not wearing long underwear.  Hopefully, if I start to freeze to death, Han Solo will show up and slice open one of those smelly Tauntauns with a lightsaber.  Sure, they smell worse on the inside, but the steaming guts will keep me warm...

Alright, so I'm taking the whole Hoth metaphor a bit too far, but it really is cold outside, and I don't even have a Tauntaun to ride..

I just read the whole transcript of the Supreme Court session that took place this morning.  Yes, it's a slow day here at work.  Everyone has gone home because of the weather, but the University remains open officially, since it's finals week.  I'm feeling more optimistic for Gore after reading the transcript, the Supremes seem reluctant to question the Florida Supreme Court, since there doesn't appear to be a gross error on their part.  I've also come to the realization that I never want to stand in front of the Supreme Court while the nine of them hammer me with questions... Update: I had to laugh, I looked at Hal's weblog, and he said almost the same thing I did:

Gotta go. NPR is broadcasting the tape of the Supreme Court pleadings. Later: One thing I am sure of, I never want to stand in front of those nine Justices and get pelted, nay, hammered with questions.

I'm setting up our first 1 Gigahertz computer this morning.  It's a Dell machine, with 512MB of RAM. Needless to say, it's fast, very fast, at least until we get our first Pentium IV computer in a couple of weeks...

I walked my freezing ass all the way to work this morning.  It's only about a mile, but when the wind chill is -30°F, then 100 yards seems like a long way to walk.  I looked at my car, and decided it looked like it had been blocked in by the helpful snowplows. Adding in that we're expected to get between 4-10 inches of snow yet today, I decided that walking would probably be more efficient and safer.  I made it to work, with visions of The Empire Strikes Back in my head all the way.  When I made it to work, I had to defrost my facial hair, I unbundled then dashed the 40 feet from my building to the Union for a warm mug of hot chocolate...

It's -2 outside right now, you can tell the people who are either really stupid or really addicted to nicotine, they're the morons who are standing outside smoking a cigarette in this weather...