On The Job

I ordered a new mixer this weekend.  My grandfather gave me some money towards a new mixer for my birthday last summer, but I never got around to getting it.  While doing some baking this weekend, I was reminded how inept my current mixer is.  It's fine for a cake mix, but for cookies or bread mix, it doesn't do a very good job.  I'd decided that if I was going to get a new mixer, I'd get a good one, so I chose the KitchenAid 4 1/2 Quart model. 

Fortunately, Amazon.com has free shipping on it right now, or that would have set me back another $30.  Why did I buy it online?  Well, I'm lazy, for one thing.  Also, I had a $15 coupon that I was able to use, and I didn't have to pay sales tax, which I would have done if it was bought locally.

Unfortunately, I re-started my diet today.  I'd slacked off the last few months, and the Holidays were unkind to my waistline.  Now I just have to exercise some restraint when it comes to all the tasty carbohydrates that I'll be able to produce with my new mixer.

I'm back on the job, after a nice rest.  Now I've got to scramble to deliver as many new computers as I can before classes start next week.  I've got them all stacked up in my computer lab, and I need to get them out of there as soon as possible.  Since many of the faculty aren't around, I'm just dumping their new computers in their offices, and e-mailing them to let them know I'll come set them up whenever they're available to be there.