School Daze
/My back still hurts from yesterday's fall on the ice. It's not seriously injured or anything like that, just a little stiff from a good fall. Thank goodness I have that comfy Aeron chair at work...
I went and bought myself one of those George Foreman grills this weekend. J Dylan and I cooked ourselves some burgers on mine yesterday. It works really well, and I can cook us up four burgers in much less time than I could using a frying pan. It took about 8-9 minutes to produce four tasty burgers, and I didn't have to pay attention to flipping them over every few minutes. My only gripe is that it's not as easy to clean as the infomercials might have you believe, but it's still easier than cleaning out a skillet.
So what's the best price you can find on a 40GB hard drive? I'm looking to upgrade my TiVo to hold a lot more. The current winner is Multiple Zones with a price of $142.84 and $5 shipping.
It's the first day of classes here at the University. I've been swamped with work so far, it seems everyone waits until today to report the problems they experienced in the last month. I've already made two phone calls to Dell for malfunctioning computers that need repairs. We've had a network glitch, a server glitch, printer glitches, and now it's starting to snow. It's not even lunch time, and I already want to go home.
Fortunately, a co-worker reminded me that I needed to get my staff training grant request turned in. That way, I can be reimbursed for the cost of the class I'm taking this spring. If I'm approved (pretty likely) I'll be reimbursed for $255 of the $366 the class will cost me. Not too shabby....