
You can read all about my little TiVo problem in the forum posting I made in the TiVo Underground forum.  It wasn't disasterous, but it certainly didn't go according to plan.  Maybe I'll try again in a few weeks when I get my courage back up...

John paid me a nice compliment in his little rant about the difficulty of finding good employees.  John was a good boss to work for, actually.  He paid me what I was worth, which is a rare thing on college campuses.  A lot of the departments at ISU would want to hire students to do tech support, but only pay $5.50 an hour (naturally, they had high turnover rates). 

John started me at nearly twice that (I had experience).   He also refrained from dumping all the crappy work on me, though I did get to do most of the heavy lifting, probably because I'm built like a football player, and he's built like Olive Oyl.

Although, I never have forgiven him for making me use a Macintosh...

So far, it has been a lousy day, very little has gone my way, and I'm ready to give up and go home.  I tried to upgrade my TiVo, that didn't work so well, but I'll write up the story later today when things calm down.  Nothing is more frustrating for IT people than things that don't work, for no particular reason.  Those bugs that you can't figure out, the ones that come and go.  For instance, take two identical computers, from the same order from Dell, set up from the same disk image, sitting six feet apart from each other.  One crashes WordPerfect every time you close a file, one does not.  Why?  It just doesn't make any sense.