/I took the test. I didn't do especially well, probably got a B, but that was the most poorly written test I've ever taken, and I already have a college degree. The prof. had mis-numbered the exam, which was minorly annoying, but was especially deadly when it came to a section of the test that was a matching exercise. She used the word "conscious" three times when she meant to use "conscience", and once referred to the illegal production of "fake Ids". I don't know about you, but since my first degree was in Psychology, I read that and start thinking about Freud, the ego, and the super-ego, not drivers licenses. In short, I expect better out of a Ph.D. and after all, I'm paying for it...
I cut my finger really well yesterday. I was working on an old Gateway computer, my hand slipped and sliced the end of my right index finger all to pieces. It's really hard to type with a band-aid on your finger, and I'm having problems doing all sorts of stupid things like tieing my shoes. Maybe I'll have to file a workman's comp claim for a cut finger...
I've got a test today in my Criminal Constitutional Law class. I haven't even started studying for it, but I'm not too worried. Most of the people in my class are so dumb that the test can't be too hard, or they'd all fail. I'd estimate that a third of the class are pot smokers who wanted to learn more about search and seizure law...