I voted this morning, it

I voted this morning, it was the first time voting in my new precinct, and of course I don't vote at the church which is literally 75 yards south of my house, I have to drive 2 miles east and vote at the Orchard Hill school. The polling place seemed steadily busy, but there wasn't really a line. I voted for the Democrats in the big races, Harkin for Senate, Hutchinson for House, Vilsack for Governor, then voted Libertarian for everything else, with the exception of our State representative. Willard Jenkins is the Republican incumbent for Cedar Falls, and he voted with the rest of the Republicans to cut the budget for UNI and the other state Universities. Hmm, cutting the budget and jobs at one of the biggest employers in your district is not exactly representational governing, nor is it politically smart. So, I voted for his Democratic opponent.