Just was browsing Amazon,
/Just was browsing Amazon, and I came across the neat 20th Anniversary Optimus Prime figure. It's a bit pricey, but this is the ultimate gift for any geek who loved the 80's cartoon. He even comes with the Autobot Matrix of Leadership, how cool is that? Too bad he doesn't come with his trailer, but as detailed as that "toy" is, I can see why they didn't include it, it'd cost even more. I wonder how many of these will never even get taken out of the box. If I had one, I'd have to take it out and display it on my desk at work, future value be damned. Hasbro's page has more detail.
It definitely looks a lot more like the cartoon version of Optimus Prime than the original toy does, though I despreately wanted that toy as a child. Hell, I still want that toy. Didn't you hate the Transformers that looked nothing like their cartoon counterparts? Ratchet and Ironhide were the worst. In the cartoon, they were normal looking van/robots. The toy versions didn't even have heads, just a big van windshield! Like we wouldn't notice...