Who's afraid of Win2K?
/We're looking at tape backup drives. I think Sony made a mistake on this page. Wow, using 8 DDS-3 tapes, I can store a whopping 192 Megabytes! Hmm...at that rate, I'd need 40 tapes just to store my MP3's! Yesterday, I mentioned the article I'd read about Win2K being the real deal. The author had stated that he didn't like the server product, after being unable to locate any of his stories about it, I e-mailed him asking why. He responded thusly:
As it happens, I go into all the details in my next technical lead. That should be up later this week on the Sm@rt Partner page (http://www.smartpartnermag.com). The Readers-Digest Version is: no enterprise tools, Active Directory has major holes in it, and the real killer, there are now seven, count'em seven, W2K certified apps, and none of them are commonly used back office programs. Unlike Workstation, where most programs tend to work, Server can have real fits with many standard back office software packages. I found that Exchange and Lotus Domino (_after_ the fixes!) simply couldn't run reliabilly. Even if you could, when you're talking back office, most big companies demand that their programs be OS certified. With W2K Server today you simply can't do it.
Most of his gripes shouldn't affect our implementation here. We're going to use it mostly for authentication and file serving. At this time, I don't even have any apps planned to run on the servers yet. My Windows 2000 Server CD came today, but the licenses didn't, though they were on the same order. Weird. You've gotta love Academic Pricing, it cost us $108 per server license for Win2K Server.