
Erica I picked up my new glasses and contacts today at Mauer Eye Center. Erica, (see photo) the young woman "dispensing" them, managed to put a large gouge in my right lens with a pair of pliers, while attempting to adjust the fit, so I guess these fancy Crizal lenses aren't that scratch-resistant. I gave her a hard time about this, and mock-cautioned her not to hurt herself when she went back to make a second adjustment, but I wasn't really angry, I found it kind of funny. I have to go back in 3 weeks for another contact check anyhow. I also noticed they give you much nicer cases for your glasses when you buy a name brand, as this Nautica hard case is great, usually I get something that looks like it came from the half price bin at the dollar store. My new contacts from CooperVision feel much better than my old Acuvue Torics did, and the eye doctor was amazed that I could get 20/20 from them only 5 minutes after putting them in, and on the first shot too. I have astigmatisms in both eyes, and it usually takes a few tries to get contacts that work for me, but I think we may have gotten it on the first try.