Things that make you pull your hair out...
/Things that make you pull your hair out...
I still haven't gotten that fax from FileMaker...
I hate CD drives that are mounted sideways. I just spent 20 minutes retrieving a faculty member's Chicago CD from his Gateway E3200. One of the little prongs that holds the CD in apparently got pushed back in, so when the CD tray came out, the CD stayed in the computer. I should mention I also hate the E3200. You can use it as a desktop computer, or turn it on the side, hence the sideways CD-ROM. The computers are compact, but not very expandable at all, not to mention being a pain to work on. They're the iMac of the PC world.
Well, it looks like Iowa State has a position open for a Systems Support Specialist II working for the library. I'd love to go back to working at ISU, but the thought of working with Microsoft Access all day makes me shudder.
From Macintouch: "You may want to warn your readers that the Apple 17" studio display monitor will ONLY work with the Beige G3 if (if and only if) you use an Apple brand VGA-to-Mac Adapter. No TIL or "read me" mentions this limitation. I underwent Herculean efforts using various bands of adapters, some with dip switches, other without, and none worked. Finally, someone at Apple confirmed that you needed one of their adapters. Few stores stock their adapters, much less know about the need for an Apple Adapter. ComputerWare, who sold me the monitor, and CompUSA do not even stock the Apple adapter. I had to buy it direct from Apple." These are the kind of problems I hate to troubleshoot, the kind that make you want to pull your hair out when you do find the solution, because it's so simple.