On The Road Again

On the road again...

I'm at my grandparents' house for the Easter weekend, having to dial-in from the Sony VAIO I grabbed from work. Connecting at 26,400 baud is a shock when you're used to having a cable modem.

What would a visit home be without having to provide some tech support? The bearing in the CPU fan on my grandparents' IBM Aptiva was going out, so it sounded pretty bad. It took me a little over two hours of criss-crossing Mason City to find a Socket 7 cooling fan. It was at the second Radio Shack I tried, and outrageously priced at that! Fifteen dollars for a part that would normally cost me $7.50! I'm not sure who the genius is who made the label for this part, it reads: "For Pentium Processors from 75 to 200 mHz" Gee, I guess those with 233mHz Pentium chips are out of luck, not to mention everyone with a Cyrix, Winchip, or an AMD processor. For the record, it's working fine with their K6 at 233mHz.